10 results for “prosperity gospel

We have found 10 results with the word you searched.

Be My Guest: The Poverty of The Prosperity Gospel

  The Poverty of the Prosperity Gospel   This is how the Lausanne Theology Working Group, Africa chapter, defined the prosperity gospel at its consultations in Akropong, Ghana:   “We define prosperity gospel as the teaching that believers have a right to the blessings of health and wealth and that they can obtain these blessings…


Lent 2023, Day 8: We’re all in this together.

But don't worry, no celebrities will be singing "Imagine" in this post.


Lent 2020, Day 13: M-m-m-my Corona.

Always get up, away from the cough. Stores are out of water, bleach & TP, it’s getting rough. My, my, my, ay, ay, woah! M-m-m-my Corona. My Corona. M-m-m-my Corona. My Corona


The Preachers: Jim & Tammy Faye: Part 4.

Jim Bakker in screen captures from his current show, “The Jim Bakker Show”. (Google Images)   This has been one long, crazy story. Nearly unbelievable, except, very true. Sadly true. As a Christian, especially as one with roots in Pentecostalism, I felt shame and anger while reading about the exploits of Jim Bakker. Yes, I…


The Preachers: Jim & Tammy Faye: Part 2.

  Jim and Tammy Faye (Image Source)   It was thirty years ago that the tremendous house of cards that Jim Bakker had constructed out of TV ministry, millions in donations, and a Christian theme park, collapsed. It was a tremendous and precipitous fall, and when the dust settled, the ministry was gone, Jim was…


The Preachers: Jim & Tammy Faye: Their Incredible Rise & Shocking Fall.

Jim And Tammy Faye Bakker in all their 1980s glory. (Image Source)   I started composing this post months ago. I stopped partially because my blogging, as a whole, slowed way down at the start of the schoolyear (Z is now in second grade, and homeschooling demands more and more time). But mainly, I didn’t…


Some Sunday Stuff: June 25th

From left to right: Greg, Nate, Joe, Justin, Jenny and the judge.   It’s been a looooong time since I did a “Some… Stuff” post, but here goes. On Friday, my brother Joe and his wife, Jenny, officially adopted our nephew Justin (our sister Joscelyne‘s son… she passed away in 2012). It was a long,…


The Preachers: Father Divine, god to millions.

(Image Source: NewsWorks)   I first heard the name “Father Divine” as a child from my mom, musing over her grandmother’s occasional penchant for following (via correspondence, radio or TV) some rather interesting ministerial leaders. Her mom, my Nana, was no stranger to church hopping. She was a “spiritual seeker” decades before it became a…


Lent 2023, Day 27: That the works of God may be displayed.

"It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him." JOHN 9:3


Until you return to the ground.

  By the sweat of your brow    you will eat your fooduntil you return to the ground,    since from it you were taken;for dust you are    and to dust you will return.” -Genesis 3:19  Ash Wednesday- actually the whole concept of Lent- jolts me. I grew up Holiness/Pentecostal, belonged to another such church during college, and then spent…
