Some Sunday Stuff: Fourth Week of Advent, 2021.
Peace, especially at this time of year, is usually depicted as being silent, or quiet. It is “Silent Night” come to life; it’s the sound of snow falling, and maybe it’s just a tad staid. But that’s not the peace that Dr. King fought for, and it certainly isn’t the peace the King of Kings taught us to live out. Real peace -like real hope, real love, and real joy- demands action.
December 19, 2021 -
Some Sunday Stuff: Third Week of Advent, 2021.
I’m full of sorrow because I know I’m losing my mom. Yet, I will continue to choose joy; not fake toxic positivity that denies the reality of the situation or the depth of my heartbreak. No, I’m choosing joy through hope, joy in “faith through Jesus’ love”.
December 12, 2021 -
Some Sunday Stuff: Second Week of Advent, 2021.
So many people use your name in vain
Those who have faith in you sometimes go astray
Through all the ups and downs, the joys, and hurts
For better or worse I still will choose you firstDecember 5, 2021 -
Some Sunday Stuff: First Week of Advent, 2021.
It’s beginning to look like… *record scratch*… Advent.
November 28, 2021 -
The Decade of Wistful Thinking.
“K, upon hearing that she had visited with us all in those final weeks, supposed her spirit was leading her to say goodbye, to give some closure. I held in my heart that suggestion, even as I knew I’d only get closure at my own death. My very act of living is a testimony of her death.”
November 23, 2021 -
Some Sunday Stuff: November 7th.
A look at Kanye through kayfabe, the rocky road of repentance, the wild life of the real Rufus Buck, the capital poetry in Nova Scotia, and music from Natalie Merchant.
November 7, 2021 -
Some Sunday Stuff: October 31st.
What’s scarier than old tyme Halloween costumes? Whatever the heck is going on in Facebook’s Metaverse.
October 31, 2021 -
Some Sunday Stuff: October 17th.
The Simpsons x Balenciaga, is Technology becoming a religion, the ugliest paintings of Baby Jesus, and how The New York Times trashed some of our most classic works of literature.
(And Adele is back!)
October 17, 2021 -
Flashback Friday: That Time in 1997 Archie Comics Predicted Virtual Schooling in 2021.
Move over Simpsons, looks like another beloved cartoon series was able to predict the future.
June 4, 2021 -
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