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  • blackbart

    Do you remember the Black Bart Simpson

    Oddly enough, I do. Why? I’m not sure. For some reason, stuff from the early 90s stuck in my brain in a way Geometry never did. Anyway, from Uproxx: What’s the worst…

  • videogames

    Your brain on video games

     (Source) Just watched an awesome TED talk on the benefits  of playing video games. This post, I dedicate to my brother Joe.

  • sommers boydoll post

    Of snips, snails and/or sugar and spice

    Epic, Liz Lemon eyeroll, right here, for this ridiculousness straight out of Sweden. From The Atlantic: Is it discriminatory and degrading for toy catalogs to show girls playing with tea sets and…

  • footprints

    Footprints, drag marks, it’s all good

  • Holidazed

    Jon Acuff writes at Stuff Christians Like: Recently, someone emailed me a photo of this billboard[.] My first thought was, “Do you know why Jesus misses hearing you say Merry Christmas? Because…

  • netcongkz

    Aiming at Heaven and getting Earth thrown in

     K and Z this summer in Netcong, NJ.   I read an interesting post by Rod Dreher that got me thinking about Evangelicalism, nature, the Arts and mysticism. He writes: … I…

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    I fight sins not tragedies.

     Joscelyne’s Memorial Service Thursday was Joscelyne’s memorial. It was a beautiful service and I guess a good 200 people came out. I didn’t cry and I believe a large part of that…

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    To sing a requiem and such rest to her.

        “For in that sleep of death what dreams may come.”   Hamlet,  Act III, scene 1, line 66 I pulled into the driveway, and put the car in park. It…

  • christian-music

    What’s the opposite of suckage?

     (Source) So I did a post about Contemporary Christian Music’s (CCM) supposed suckage in the minds and ears of quite a few. It went up, but the views for it didn’t. At…

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    Circles, Squares & Me

    When I sat in that doctor’s office over a year and a half ago, being told I should consider terminating my Zoe because I might have a genetic condition that I may…