A caffeinated toast to the world not ending.

My beautiful friend April updated her Facebook status this morning and mentioned she’d done some meditating at 5AM and enjoyed a cup of joe.

I remember years ago hanging out at Van Gogh’s Ear cafe with her after she moved back to Jersey after finishing college in Seattle. We didn’t get too many opportunities to do this since she got married shortly after and moved to Florida (and then Cali, and then North Carolina, and then… ha!). So I figured we could have coffee, social network style. So I posted the picture above and tagged her along with the caption, “Coffee cheers!”

As I was sipping the coffee a few minutes later, I noticed I had grabbed that mug. I laughed. Oh the irony of drinking from a mug with the caption, “Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly”. Thought the world was over

 Here’s to hoping we all can become more grounded, more calm and peaceful while embracing change.

I’ll drink to that.

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