Come Clean: Glenn Lewis, don’t forget what, exactly?

Basically my face everytime I actually try to sing the lyrics to this song over the past fifteen years. (Image via Vevo)


Welcome to the first in my new series, “Come Clean”, where I’ll admit something. Or some things. Today, I’ll admit that despite bumping Glenn Lewis’ “Don’t You Forget It” on the regular during the Early Aughts epoch of Neo-Soul, I didn’t actually have a clue what he was talking about. Sure, I heard the chorus admonishing “Don’t forget your way home for that little girl”, but I wasn’t sure who that little girl is. The unknown protagonist, looking back at her younger self? Then who is he to her? And what the heck do these words have to do with the video, which was pretty much one long “Whoops, just missed you!” If you need a refresher, here’s the vid:



I went over to the Genius entry for the song, and while it provides the lyrics, no one as of this posting, has taken a crack at deciphering. Wikipedia doesn’t help with an explaination, either. But I agree it does have a Stevie Wonder-vibe. Being that “Glenn Lewis Don’t you forget it meaning” (bold and italics, me) is one of the top Google searches associated with the song, I’m guessing there’s a lot of people who also don’t really get it, either. 

One thing is for certain though: despite not understanding it, I certainly won’t forget it.





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