Easter 2014

I’ve been pretty quiet on the blog lately, since a good chunk of my free time has been taken up with the Horizon campaign or painting. As far as Horizon, I don’t have any news to share. I still haven”t found out if they are going to allow my case to be sent to an Independent Medical Review board for an External Review. I did get the long awaited news that I finally have a court date scheduled for my Social Security Disability case. It’s in July. My lawyer said my name just “happened” to come up (after a year), but I think it has more to do with the official inquiry filed on my behalf by my district Congressman’s office. Just a week after that call, I “coincidentally” got a court date… yeah, sure…




My last painting was picked up by my friend Lori. She’s very happy with it, and that makes my heart happy.




Zoe had an awesome Easter. Saturday dying eggs, and Sunday getting dressed up in new clothes and getting a basket at church, one from me, one from K and one from her uncle Manny. It’s good to be Z!




Hope you had a lovely Easter. 🙂


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