Keeping busy.

Zoe and Grandpa say their goodbyes.



My father-in-law, Keith, was with us most of the week, so I’ve been pretty busy. That’s one of the reasons I didn’t blog at all this week.


But the main reason is, I just didn’t feel like it.  I’d read a story, like about Pope Francis’ well-discussed America interview, think to share it, and then… well, I just didn’t. I did post links on this blog’s Facebook page, but that was about it.


I’ve enjoyed a week of moderate weather, and sunny skies. Although Keith was left feeling quite chilly (he’s use to the balminess of Trinidad), I really think my CIDP really tampers way down with temps in the 60s and 70s. I was able to take Zoe on a couple of walks in the stroller, stopping for some time at the park (I wound up on the swings; Zoe was not having it), stopping for some cheap, quick coffee at 7-11 (Zoe tried to five finger-discount her way to three bags of Tootsie Rolls), and some girlie goodies from CVS (nail polish, apple cinnamon candles). I even got the courage to finally go inside the little Russian Orthodox church just up the street from me. I stopped in and prayed, listening as the little priest sat in the front row saying… or chanting prayers to God.




In other words, I’ve been pretty busy just living. I’ll be back to blogging soon, though. I can’t help but write. It’s like a pesky bug that’s followed me since childhood. Swat all I like, and it comes back. Here’s a video of Zoe and Grandpa cutesness to tide you over:

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