Lent 2021, Day 32: Your grief is poisoning us.

Wanda, yet again, lashes out at the residents of Westview. [Screencap of episode 9 of WandaVision]

Last week, Disney+ premiered The Falcon and The Winter Soldier last week to high acclaim and ratings, and I can attest to it being a great show (I can’t wait to watch the second episode tomorrow). But I have to do just one more post about WandaVision in this Lenten series before it comes to a close next week. So if you haven’t seen the finale, (mild) spoilers ahead.

In that last episode, Wanda comes face-to-face with the residents of Westview, NJ, that she has been holding hostage in her quest to create a perfect home, community and life for herself, post-Blip. She didn’t intend for anyone to get hurt, of course, but after the trauma of repeated death and violence, Wanda’s pain spilled over. She built a shell of hexagonal protection on the lives of innocent Westview residents.

While Wanda stays busy making breakfast for dinner, performing magic tricks, and dressing up for Halloween, the residents are trapped in her painful pretense. They can’t leave or contact loved ones outside. Their children are locked in their rooms and only allowed out for Halloween to be background characters for Wanda’s world.

In the finale, Wanda finally sees that her persevering love-turned-grief is slowly poisoning all those around her. She is horrified, ashamed, and angry. She has too-often been a victim, and suddenly realizes that she has become a villain.

A trapped and tearful resident of Westview.

Accepting the awful truth, Wanda frees the hostages, but the destruction she has wreaked in their lives has been done. One week of escape for her, a probable lifetime of PTSD for them.

I wanted to come back this episode to encourage us all to do some introspection. Has there been a time, in our state of suffering, that we have hurt others? Think on it. Pray on it.

  • If anyone has come to mind, ask God for forgiveness. If that person is still a part of your life, consider asking their forgiveness.


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Joseph Flemmingreply
March 25, 2021 at 8:00 pm

Nice piece. It’s good food for thought. We all should be mindful of how our emotional baggage can spill out and affects others.

March 26, 2021 at 1:05 pm
– In reply to: Joseph Flemming

Thank you.

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