Lent 2023, Day 16: What revives.
After reading yesterday’s post, friend of the blog (and very good friend of me), Thomas, sent yours truly a lovely poem. He has graciously allowed me to share it here.
What revives:
candle-flicker,still small voice
like a dropletof Light
in a darkand oceanic
What revives:
a mightystream of love
sunderingwalls of defense,
defensiveness.What revives:
heartbeat’s prayer,breath and pulse
of Spirit-life.What revives:
this body, thisearth, this
Presence,this now.
Thomas DeFreitas (he/him/his)Arlington, Massachusetts
poet, author of:
Swift River Ballad (Kelsay Books, forthcoming)
Longfellow, Tell Me (Kelsay Books, 2022)
Winter in Halifax (Kelsay Books, 2021)