Memorial Day Weekend


Sunday’s New York Times




I hope you had a great Memorial Day Weekend. Mine was cool, although I spent most of it at home and did not attend a single cookout (Shocker, I know!). It was great spending time with K and Z, going to Barnes & Noble and eating way too much fried food. I was feeling under the weather half the weekend, and had to take naps almost daily. Still all in all, good times. Except… K’s refusal to listen to Will Smith and DJ Jazzy Jeff’s classic, “Summertime”! This was so utterly shocking, I sat in the car and actually contemplated, “Just who did I marry?”




My pastor, Father Ros, administering Communion on Sunday.




I decided to paint for the first time since 2010, even with a napping Z on my lap.



I had Trinidad on my brain, and a pencil, marker and crayon in my hair. I’m telling you, thick hair is so handy sometimes.



We had lunch outside at Chevy’s. Z was happy.


After the rain cleared, by Sunday, it was bright skies.



Since this is my blog, take it away Will and Jeff! Hahahaha!!!




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