Vitriol & Va-jay-jays
(Source) I ran across this post on Jezebel yesterday and I now have insight on how the inside of my head looks thanks to all the eyerolls I kept doing. “Listen Up,…
December 31, 2012 -
“Mail Mary”
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December 31, 2012 -
If There Was No Resurrection, We’d Have No Faith
From Crosswalk.com, an article by Bible Answer Man Hank Hanegraaf about how the Christian faith rests on Jesus’ defeat of death: “The physical resurrection of Christ is the cornerstone of our…
December 31, 2012 -
Happy Palm Sunday
I found this video of a sweet little four year old girl named Aliana sharing the story of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jereusalm, humbly riding on a donkey. Check it out: Now…
December 31, 2012 -
This Is No Small Wonder
Workers putting together the robo-baby boy. Definitely the strangest news I’ve read in a while. Although the story of robo-children is familiar (remember the 1980’s sitcom “Small Wonder“?), this is totally…
December 31, 2012 -
Forgetting Haiti
Since people have attention spans that last, oh, about 5 seconds longer than a fruitfly, its time to remind everyone that the suffering continues in force for the wrecked Caribbean nation.…
December 31, 2012 -
My increasing irrelevancy.
Don’t trust anyone over thirty. -Jerry Rubin If that quote above is to be believed, I’ve got only a few more months left of trustworthiness. At least to those who are under…
December 31, 2012 -
Mimicking the mainstream. Music as background patina
(Source) Continuing with the responses I received from “Christian Music Suckage,” I’d like to welcome Ben H. Rome (@bhrome), a Washington, D.C. based writer, blogger and game designer (and in my…
December 31, 2012 -
Author Interview: Angelica Perez
One of the sweetest people I have yet to have had the pleasure of meeting, Angelica Perez, has experienced enough in her life to have left her bitter. She’s a veteran of…
December 31, 2012 -
Honey Boo! Boooo!
Confession, I might be one of the few Americans left who has not bared witness to the degradation of childhood, innocence and television entertainment known as “Honey Boo Boo“. In fact, I…
December 31, 2012
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