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    This Christmas.

    Yesterday started off tough. I had a headache most of the day and then got my period. The icing on my crap cake was the ache of missing Jos. K, being both…

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    My nose is big, uh-uh, I’m not ashamed.

      No shhhh-ing necessary. The obvious can be said aloud. I’ve got a big nose.     “You’ve got a bird nose.” So my prominent nostrils were described by my college boyfriend,…

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    Relationship meme fail.

    Saw this meme liked by a friend on Facebook and immediately did a double-take. What the hizzy does it even mean? It sounds almost right, but is horribly, stupidly wrong. Why on…

  • Interviewing kids in a tragedy… for what?

    Caught this segment from On The Media with WABC-NY’s Bill Ritter and was… repulsed? Disgusted? I’m not even sure how to describe my reaction. Listen for yourself:   On the day of…

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    True it is that covetousness is rich, modesty starves.*

    I was raised Pentecostal, of the holy-roller variety that placed great emphasis on modesty, particularly (dang near exclusively) on women. Pants on women were a no-no, but at times accepted for modesty…

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    Be My Guest: Redefining Tolerance

     My handsome, bro, Joe.     The following guest post comes from my brother, Joseph Flemming. Enjoy! ~ADF The other day I was watching CBS “This Morning” and the special guest was…

  • To those who made us (briefly) look.

        Do you remember Kony 2012? Kind of? What about creepy Tanning Mom, who once again made New Jersey look like the capital of Oompa Loompa Land, along with The Situation…

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    God made him do it, and other fails

    My friend Kandi tagged me on Facebook in a video of Fox News host Mike Huckabee discussing the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting. Here it is: Mike Huckabee’s Incredible Response to Newtown Shooting…

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    Innocents Loss

      Friday started off very well for me. The best day I had all week, actually. I spent so much of Sunday and Monday crying over Jos… the continual realizations that I…

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    “First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes baby in the baby carriage.”

    Since K and I can check off the first two, we have been bombarded with questions regarding that last one. Questions, startling statements and outright demands (my grandmother really would like to…