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  • footprints

    Footprints, drag marks, it’s all good

  • Holidazed

    Jon Acuff writes at Stuff Christians Like: Recently, someone emailed me a photo of this billboard[.] My first thought was, “Do you know why Jesus misses hearing you say Merry Christmas? Because…

  • netcongkz

    Aiming at Heaven and getting Earth thrown in

     K and Z this summer in Netcong, NJ.   I read an interesting post by Rod Dreher that got me thinking about Evangelicalism, nature, the Arts and mysticism. He writes: … I…

  • blogger-image--24445040

    I fight sins not tragedies.

     Joscelyne’s Memorial Service Thursday was Joscelyne’s memorial. It was a beautiful service and I guess a good 200 people came out. I didn’t cry and I believe a large part of that…

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    To sing a requiem and such rest to her.

        “For in that sleep of death what dreams may come.”   Hamlet,  Act III, scene 1, line 66 I pulled into the driveway, and put the car in park. It…

  • christian-music

    What’s the opposite of suckage?

     (Source) So I did a post about Contemporary Christian Music’s (CCM) supposed suckage in the minds and ears of quite a few. It went up, but the views for it didn’t. At…

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    Circles, Squares & Me

    When I sat in that doctor’s office over a year and a half ago, being told I should consider terminating my Zoe because I might have a genetic condition that I may…

  • mechurch

    Splits & Schisms

     Me after the 8AM service on Sunday. All these pics are of my church, taken by me. Despite being Unapologetically Episcopalian… well, liking it on Facebook, I’ve been feeling something like sorrow…

  • sat

    A lived-through Saturday.

         I don’t get very many invites these days, so it’s very striking I managed to get three for events all on the same day, May 19th. Three parties celebrating three…

  • Hospital-stark-hallway thum

    Circles, Squares & Z

    We sat, mouths slightly agape, staring. We were shocked and hurt, K and I. We had just been counseled briefly that the child inside me might be genetically “defective”. And then asked…