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    A caffeinated toast to the world not ending.

    My beautiful friend April updated her Facebook status this morning and mentioned she’d done some meditating at 5AM and enjoyed a cup of joe. I remember years ago hanging out at Van…

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    Twilight & butterflies.

     Joscelyne and Zoe enjoying the sunshine at the park in October.   I awoke this morning amongst thoughts of Joscelyne. I was barely awake, in that twilight stage between wake and sleep.…

  • 5 IronMarkFace

    A closer look at the wounds of the Wet Bandits.

    I’ve watched “Home Alone” a quadrillion times since I was a kid, almost always around Christmas. The latest was last weekend. Watching it as a 30 year old is far different than…

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    Are we in the matrix?

     (Source) Without having to take any pills, folks, some scientists are claiming they may be able to prove we are in a computer simulation. From the Huffington Post: Physicists say they may…

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    Merry Christmas from Linus (and me).


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    All I want for Christmas is…

    Zoe making a FaceTime call to Tante Kandi.     When I tell people Z’s favorite  hobby is playing with electronics like my iPad, remotes, keyboards and cell phones, people usually laugh…

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    This Christmas.

    Yesterday started off tough. I had a headache most of the day and then got my period. The icing on my crap cake was the ache of missing Jos. K, being both…

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    My nose is big, uh-uh, I’m not ashamed.

      No shhhh-ing necessary. The obvious can be said aloud. I’ve got a big nose.     “You’ve got a bird nose.” So my prominent nostrils were described by my college boyfriend,…

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    Relationship meme fail.

    Saw this meme liked by a friend on Facebook and immediately did a double-take. What the hizzy does it even mean? It sounds almost right, but is horribly, stupidly wrong. Why on…

  • Interviewing kids in a tragedy… for what?

    Caught this segment from On The Media with WABC-NY’s Bill Ritter and was… repulsed? Disgusted? I’m not even sure how to describe my reaction. Listen for yourself:   On the day of…