True or false.



The above photograph of a fourth grade science test made the rounds on various websites and blogs a few weeks ago, and I saw it in my News Feed on Facebook. My friend Kathy posted it and questioned if it’s a fake. I looked at it, did a quick facepalm, and wrote that if it was real, it was probably from a private Christian school. And I admitted that in my fourteen years of attending such schools, I’d been taught much of the same stuff.


Turns out, it isn’t something dreamed up by Christian-haters at reddit or 4chan. According to Snopes:



You can read the rest here. When I tell K that I was taught this stuff, he shakes his head in disbelief (or is that disgust?). Yeah, my parents paid thousands for me, Joe and Jos to get this top notch book learning.


Book learning I had to partition off into a “Do Not Enter” room in my brain, which also holds years of teasing and bullying by other students at one of those Christian schools and my inexplicable like of the Spice Girls.



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