Ultra Real Art

Joe passes on these links to amazingly realistic works of art done in oil and some even in pencil.


From NY Art Beat:


Yigal Ozeri salutes his country of origin in new oil paintings at Mike Weiss Gallery, that fuse the concept of the warrior goddess with the “universal soldier,” paying homage to heroine of the show, whose looks and reputed combat skills rival the attributes of the mythological goddess, Atalanta. His show entitled “Territory” explores an essential human archetype in direct, uncompromising images, rarely conjured in art today. In the United Kingdom, people honor and venerate the Queen as the figurehead that symbolizes the nation. In Israel, the nation places its hopes and expectations for the future, even its very survival, upon the reigning queen of the military.


Yigal Ozeri, Untitled, Territory, oil on canvas, 80 x 120 in., 2012


These metaphoric depictions of a modern day warrior-goddess are both paradoxical and unique. Here we find a woman whose features are as alluring as her sense of duty is strong. Yet, this girl is more than a soldier. The majority of the works reveal the private thoughts that flicker over the facial expressions of a celebrated public figure. When pictured relaxing, immersed in clear shallow waters, she is transformed into a flower-strewn sea nymph at one with life, whose thoughts and feelings converge while she experiences the healing waters of the Mediterranean Sea. She is depicted as a sensuous female who is part of the earth, part of nature and part of the unpleasant reality that all of nature faces, the need for self-defense, translated into defense of one’s country. The heroine is a highly respected young Israeli girl, who is required, as are all Israeli women, to serve as a soldier.



From Laughing Squid:


Australian artist Jeremy Geddes creates surreal oil paintings that are astoundingly photo-realistic. The paintings often depict human figures in mid-air, free-falling, or bursting through buildings like cannonballs. To achieve his photo-realistic level of detail, Geddes spends one to six months on each work. For more on Geddes’ artistic process, check out his 2011 interview with Empty Kingdom.




From The Chive:








This amazing art was created by Diego Fazio. Check out more of his art HERE


Absolutely stunning.



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