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    “life isn’t always a fairytale.”

    Me and Jos all decked out at church as girls.     I posted a quote from Alice Walker’s “The Color Purple” this morning on Facebook. It led to a long string…

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    “Long Hair”

        Leila Noelliste, creator and editor-in-chief of Black Girl with Long Hair, is a lot of things: daughter, wife, mother, journalist and Chicogoan. She is also incredibly busy. How she manages…

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    Some Saturday Stuff- June 8th

    Good Saturday morning! The remnants of Andrea have passed, and the sun is out shining brightly here in Dirty Jerz. I’m in a mess of pain- back, legs, particularly my left thigh,…

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    This is my confession: I’m a Preacher’s Kid, too.

      I read with interest my fellow BOLD writer Carmen Fletcher’s “Confessions of a Preacher Kid: Chelsea Stanton”. I can relate. Me, too. I actually come from a long ministerial line; my…

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    11 AM, Tropicana, 6/6/08

        Five years ago today, K and I had our first date. I asked him out with help from a mini-green Post-It. I chose a local diner right down the street…

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    Some Saturday Stuff- June 1st.

    Can you believe it’s June already? Where does the time go?   Tony who? Meet the new Iron Man.       First, I’ve got to let you all know about my…

  • mdw1


        So I’m still at work on that painting. I’ve been flipping through the stack of glossy mags my mother-in-law sent me from Trinidad for inspiration. The colors- the rich greens,…

  • mdw

    Memorial Day Weekend

      Sunday’s New York Times       I hope you had a great Memorial Day Weekend. Mine was cool, although I spent most of it at home and did not attend…

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    Some Saturday Stuff- May 25th.

        Happy Memorial Day weekend, Folks! It was a tough week here at the De Freitas Homestead. First K fell ill, then Zoe. And judging by how I’ve been feeling for…

  • Pelo Malo.

        Yesterday evening, I was chatting with a neighbor, Veronica, for the first time. She’s an adorable little 20 year old who rooms with her older sister and a couple of…