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  • Legalism? Nah, it’s just liturgy.

        As I mentioned a few days ago, I left a few friends scratching their heads after seeing a picture of me with ashes on my head. Most of my friends…

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    After reposting “What Happened to Miss Independent?” last week, I fell into a 90’s pop music trance. It started when I clicked on the link to Kelly Clarkson’s hit song of the…

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    Lenten Update: #1

      After posting the pic of ashes on my head on Facebook a week ago, I caused a minor stir amongst friends who headscratchingly didn’t realize I attend an Anglican/Episcopal church, despite…

  • s8

    Pictures from Senegal

        My good friend Kandi, now tavelling the world, shares these gorgeous pictures of Senegal on her Instagram page.   The African Renaissance Monument. Marks #senegal 50 years of #independence and…

  • Nekeisha - Poetic Motion

    Poetic Motion

        Editor’s note: This interview was conducted by me in early 2012 for Jumping at the Sun and first appeared there. ~Alisha     Much like her nickname, Nekeisha “Poetrinmotion” Blandin,…

  • kanye

    To my K…

      Happy Valentine’s Day, Babe.  

  • thexx

    Music you should hear: The xx

    (Source)   I’m not sure how I missed them for the last four years, but I’m so happy to have discovered the British indie pop group, The xx. Consisting of Romy Madley…

  • m1

    Mardi, puis Mercredi

    Zoe and Callie Cabbage Patch all decked out for Mardi Gras.     So yesterday we celebrated Mardi Gras or Shrove Tuesday with fruit filled pastries, beads, jazz, reggae and beans and…

  • thomas jefferson

    An addendum to the “pursuit”.

        My friend David passes along an interesting little tidbit on the phrase “the pursuit of happiness” related to my post here. He writes:   “During the times of the Founding…

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    The Pursuit of H̶a̶p̶p̶i̶n̶e̶s̶s̶ Meaning

        Walking out of “The Pursuit of Happyness” starring Will Smith years ago, I was moved. I wiped away a stray tear and asked my dad and stepmom their opinions of…