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    Lenten Update #2

        Another week done and I’m still hanging tight on the food fasts. I’ve made a bunch of veggie dishes I didn’t even knew existed until… well, I made them. Including…

  • hoc

    People (and episodes) stack so well.

        Joe has a way of harassing me into watching shows I wouldn’t normally view. Sometimes because I’m too busy. Other times, I just don’t feel like investing time and energy…

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    Who do you say I am?

          “But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?” Peter answered, “You are the Christ.” Mark 8:29   That verse always stuck out to me. Jesus…

  • In ink.

        I walked in to the Ink Spot in a hurry, welcomed by the electric ding of an unseen sensor.   Brian, the tattoo artist who would be inking me was…

  • cbtweet

    How cool is Cory Booker?

      For one, being Cory Booker. Two, for following me (me!) on Twitter. And three, for retweeting the above link to my Galileo post to his over 1.3 million followers!   Yes,…

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    11:11 Perfection

      Editor’s note: This interview with Jamila Tazewell, creator of 11:11 Enterprises, was conducted by me in early 2012 for Jumping at the Sun but was never published. Enjoy! ~Alisha    …

  • Legalism? Nah, it’s just liturgy.

        As I mentioned a few days ago, I left a few friends scratching their heads after seeing a picture of me with ashes on my head. Most of my friends…

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    After reposting “What Happened to Miss Independent?” last week, I fell into a 90’s pop music trance. It started when I clicked on the link to Kelly Clarkson’s hit song of the…

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    Lenten Update: #1

      After posting the pic of ashes on my head on Facebook a week ago, I caused a minor stir amongst friends who headscratchingly didn’t realize I attend an Anglican/Episcopal church, despite…

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    Pictures from Senegal

        My good friend Kandi, now tavelling the world, shares these gorgeous pictures of Senegal on her Instagram page.   The African Renaissance Monument. Marks #senegal 50 years of #independence and…