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    Transforming Blight into Beauty

        Really inspirational video here from Christianity Today on one woman’s mission to transform inner city Detroit, one garden at a time.   Gardening to Make Beauty Out of Blight from…

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    Slouching towards WWIII

    (Zazzle)   One of the few reasons I remain on Facebook is the equally random and awesome conversations I wind up having, like one I had on Tuesday about North Korea’s latest…

  • Stop Racism by anneclaires

    Post script.

    (source) So the very cool Rod Dreher linked to my post, “Imitation of Life” yesterday, and hundreds of page views later, instead of feeling excited that my little old blog has been…

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    Imitation of life.

    One of Philly’s many murals. Taken by me in summer 2010.     I’ve been a fan of Rod Dreher for a few years now. I’ve followed him from Beliefnet all the…

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    She’s sexy and he knows it.

    (Source)     Did you hear about the dental assistant who got the pink slip from her long time boss for being too “irresistable”? This story was ridiculous to begin with, but…

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    “The Notebook”

    From CBS Las Vegas: A top Hollywood director finds it acceptable for people to commit incest. In an interview with The Wrap, director Nick Cassavetes believes no one should judge a brother…

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    On that crappy Youtube trailer, the violence across the Middle East & more.

    A protester in Indonesia. (Source)   I honestly don’t know about the latest round of mess that has broken out across the Middle East and the Muslim World.  I don’t know what…

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    If we have a war on women, this is Armageddon.

    Slutwalks. Giant costumes of vaginas. The war on women. After being bombarded with stories like these, it becomes all too easy to grow jaded. I admit, I had. From Sandra Fluke to…

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    Ripping up the brown paper bag.

    I was thinking about Clarence Thomas, Colin Powell, Condi Rice, Mia Love and yes, Stacey Dash (now I’m thinking, ‘Which one of these do not belong?’). They got me thinking of other…

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    Vitriol & Va-jay-jays

     (Source) I ran across this post on Jezebel yesterday and I now have insight on how the inside of my head looks thanks to all the eyerolls I kept doing. “Listen Up,…