The Good Wife
(Babble) Volleyball superstar Gabrielle Reece caused quite a stir on Friday when she appeared on the “Today” show to hawk her new book and discuss the dynamics of her successful…
April 16, 2013 -
Some more on gay marriage from Christian bloggers…
I’ve pretty much finished up Jesus, The Bible, and Homosexuality, and when I get a chance, I’ll share the major points writer Jack Rogers make. I wanted to provide a…
April 2, 2013 -
(Bott Radio) Yesterday, I wrote rather quickly that while I gave Lecrae props for talking about Same Sex Marriage on his Facebook page, I didn’t agree with the logic of…
March 29, 2013 -
Speaking of Lecrae…
So as I’m enjoying a few Z-free minutes (thanks Babe!), I logged on to Facebook and noticed a storm a-brewing over a bunch of status updates by Lecrae, who was included in…
March 27, 2013 -
… and on the other end of the Hip Hop spectrum…
Lecrae (Twitter) … we have rappers such as Lecrae and Sho Baraka, who are bringing faith and inspiration to the masses, as opposed to more tired lyrics about money, drugs,…
March 27, 2013 -
It’s a good thing God forgives.
In the wake of the horrid Steubenville Rape case, rapper Rick Ross is coming under fire for a lyric that describes drugging then raping a woman. From HuffPo: Ross collaborated…
March 27, 2013 -
The Bell is ringing.
Human Rights Campaign Today is a big day for Same Sex Marriage– proponents and opponents. The Supreme Court started mulling over Prop 8 this morning, and DOMA will be considered…
March 26, 2013 -
Ways you can fight modern-day slavery
(Source) Great article from Relevant on how you can fight slavery today. Some excerpts: You might not think you have much of a personal connection to human trafficking, but…
March 10, 2013 -
This is OK?!?
Sheesh. I’ll skip my little opener and get right to it. Thanks to the awesome Mark Shea, I got to read all about how according to Attorney General Eric Holder,…
March 7, 2013 -
The snack trap.
Last week in my first Lenten update, I mentioned having a bit of a struggle going without sugar and sweets. After reading this revealing New York Times Magazine cover story…
February 28, 2013
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