Skywiring for Jesus
Jesusgreek Did you watch daredevil and Jesus enthusiast Nik Wallenda walk across the Grand Canyon on Sunday? I didn’t. I was a bit busy. Anyway, I have to say,…
June 25, 2013 -
She’s Gay, but Catholic. And celibate.
Flickr /Jess Pac Thomas of The Crystal Tambourine passes along this story by Eve Tushnet, who writes at The Atlantic of being a lesbian and a faithful, practicing Catholic. …
June 4, 2013 -
Master of your domain.
(Source) Off the blog, I have gotten requests for certain topics, and masturbation was one of them. Is it okay? For singles? For married couples? Why or why not?…
June 4, 2013 -
Kirk Franklin Runs Afoul of Gay Rights Activists
From All Christian News, via The Old Black Church: Gospel singer Kirk Frankin is now in the cross-hairs of the gay community for speaking out against homosexuality. LGBT activists…
May 28, 2013 -
Pesky Piskie Problems
Man, I cannot find those earrings for the life of me! I have been doing some more thinking about the Episcopal Church’s Presiding Bishop Katherine Jefferts Schori’s bizarre sermon bashing…
May 23, 2013 -
Follow the Piper (on Twitter)?
In the wake of the awful tornado that leveled miles of homes, schools and hospitals and killed at least 24 people in Oklahoma, popular Reformed pastor John Piper sent out…
May 22, 2013 -
Worse. Hermeneutics. Ever.
Facepalm. Worse hermeneutics. Ever. Really. Reading stuff like this makes me embarassed to say I attend an Episcopal parish. Yes, that was so embarassing, I literally felt a shiver pass…
May 21, 2013 -
So you want to start a church?
Just read a great article on starting a church. Great stuff to consider, from the Midwest Conservative Journal: (1) Don’t reinvent the wheel. – Do you think worship should…
May 20, 2013 -
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