A little more…
One of the commenters at Rachel Held Evans’ post, “Is God’s Presence Limited to Scripture” shared the above quote, which I found at BrainyQuote. It’s so totally fitting.
May 14, 2013 -
Out of bound(arie)s.
You see what I got there? Great post from Rachel Held Evans about mysticism, spirituality and the Bible: “You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in…
May 14, 2013 -
Tortured for Christ.
(Source) From First World Christian foolery, I pivot to real, honest to God persecution of Christians in the Middle East, and how our government is complicit in these tragedies. From…
May 10, 2013 -
Offended by Christ?
Matt at The Church of No People posts this provacative piece: The apostle Paul called the cross “offensive.” He said it was a “stumbling block.” It’s easy…
May 10, 2013 -
True or false.
The above photograph of a fourth grade science test made the rounds on various websites and blogs a few weeks ago, and I saw it in my News Feed on…
May 7, 2013 -
Christians & tattoos.
Scott Hill (Beliefnet) Yeah, so the ship has sailed in regards to “Are tattoos forbidden for Christians?” for me. I’ve got four and have plans for more. I find…
May 6, 2013 -
What type of Christian are you?
(Source) My friend Randy passes along a link to the Christian Denomination Selector which can help determine just what type of Christian you are. Evangelical Lutheran? Eastern Orthodox? Wesleyan…
April 17, 2013 -
Joe played me. So I played movies.
Lord Save Us From Your Followers Tumblr Yesterday, Joe was supposed to hang out with me and Zoe. We were going to hit up Starbucks and the park and enjoy…
April 11, 2013 -
A train wreck.
Christianity Today A couple of months ago, I read Rosaria Butterfield’s conversion story at Christianity Today. She had been a Marxist-leaning lesbian professor until becoming a Christian. By her…
April 11, 2013
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