377 results for “lent

We have found 377 results with the word you searched.

Lent 2021, Day 17: All that glitters.

A gilded cage, wrapped in pearls, diamonds, and gold, watched by billions, and lit by paparazzi lightbulbs is still a cage.


Lent 2021, Day 15: Gone Vision’.

I've got to go watch WandaVision, but I'll give you some other stuff to read. 'K?


Lent 2021, Day 14: White light and the visible present.

Sigh. The sad state of American Evangelical Christianity today, and how it got here.


Lent 2021, Day 13: We Got to Pray Just to Make it Today.

You know "Pray" was a whole bop back in the day.


Lent 2021, Day 12: Marking Time.

"We're made in the image of God, and within us, I believe, is the divine spark to create."


Lent 2021, Day 10: Previously On.

“What is grief, if not love persevering?” -Vision


Lent 2021, Day 9: Walk on by.

And walk on by (please stop) And walk on by (please stop) And walk on by


Lent 2021, Day 8: Queen Esther was trafficked.

I totally missed this in Sunday School.


Lent 2021, Day 7: Be.

Be still and know that I am God Be still and know that I am Be still and know Be still Be

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