308 results for “lent”
We have found 308 results with the word you searched.
Lent 2021, Day 36: Muslims, Christians, and a shared truth.
I never considered that both Muslims and Christians believe this about Good Friday.
ContinueLent 2021, Day 35: You may just have a problem with this post.
Put down your pitchforks and calm your Twitter fingers. Lil Nas X's new music video is not a sign of the Apocalypse. (But it may be a sign of the latest Moral Panic.)
ContinueLent 2021/ Flashback Friday: The Assassination of Martin Luther King’s Mother.
We're flashing back this Lenten Friday to 1974 when MLK's mom was shot down while playing the organ one summer Sunday morning.
ContinueLent 2021, Day 32: Your grief is poisoning us.
This is my last WandaVision post this Lent, I promise.
ContinueLent 2021, Day 31: You’re Wrong About.
So you want to "go back to normal," huh? Nah, you're wrong about that.
ContinueLent 2021, Day 30: This is a really bad sermon, too.
I've got another entry for the "Bad Sermons" tag...
ContinueLent 2021, Day 29: This isn’t the Good News.
Come along, Friends, as we take a trip back to 2005, to a time when "The Office" was brand new, cell phones weren't smart, and I heard the worst sermon in my life.
ContinueLent 2021, Day 26: Overdue, but appreciated.
Eisenhower was in office when this book was borrowed.