331 results for “lent

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Lent 2021, First Sunday: I don’t wanna have to wait.

Weekend I can chill or some Me and You a little one on one


Lent 2021, Day 4: Sheep, Goats, & The Righteous Judge.

These are my confessions... okay, not really, but I really do leave a lot undone.


Lent 2021, Day 3: Freedom & Praise, all the day long.

Perseverance from Freedom Riders, Praise from David.


Lent 2021, Day 2: In my beginning is my end.

The ecclesiastical psalminess of T.S. Eliot.


Lent 2021: Ash Wednesday

Join me, won't you, as I try, and most likely fail on some days, to blog through this holy season of repentance and meditation.


Lent 2020, Day 39: It is finished.

With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.


Lent 2020, Day 38: The dark night of Jesus’ Soul.

"We all try to accept with some sort of submission our afflictions when they actually arrive. But the prayer in Gethsemane shows that the preceding anxiety is equally God’s will and equally part of our human destiny. The perfect Man experienced it. And the servant is not greater than the master. We are Christians, not Stoics."


Lent 2020, Day 36: Drown out the annoyance.

Remember, we ALL are made in God's image- even those of us who perform renditions of "Stomp!" in cement tap shoes.


Lent 2020, Day 32: Grief.

Picture a wave. In the ocean. You can see it, measure it, its height, the way the sunlight refracts when it passes through. And it's there. And you can see it, you know what it is. It's a wave.

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