Lent- Day 6: If your tweeting this it’s too late.

Top, Chris Brown (source); Middle, Amber Rose (source); Bottom, Khloe Kardashian (source)



Another day, another stupid celebrity twitter tirade.


Chris Brown, no stranger to epic P.R. fails, went on New York’s Power 105.1 FM Breakfast Club morning show this morning and discussed if he had gotten his famous ex Rhianna pregnant, discussed how he and his generation just aren’t into marriage (not sure if I count as part of that generation being that I’m seven years older, but even if I’m not, who made him spokesperson?), and reignited the supposedly squashed beef he had with Drake.


He then hightailed it over to rival radio station Hot 97 and continued to talk about his ex and again dissed Drake, later taking to Twitter to write:



 (Necole Bitchie)


 He then promptly deleted those tweets. You can read the whole messy back and forth or watch the videos over at Necole Bitchie. Of course he isn’t alone in generating blog fodder after sitdowns with New York disc jockeys. After Kanye West-ex Amber Rose opined during a Breakfat Club interview a couple of weeks ago that 17 year old reality starlet Kylie Jenner shouldn’t be out with her rumored boyfriend, 26 year old rapper Tyga, her older sister Khloe Kardashian hopped on Twitter to snap back at Amber. Which then led Amber to respond in kind.


Didn’t end, though, because Kanye jumped into the fray a few days later by trashing Amber on, you guessed it, The Breakfast Club. Amber then went back on Twitter to lash out at Ye and his wife.


Meanwhile, Amber’s ex-husband Wiz Khalifa recently went in on her for supposedly keeping their son away from him.


And round and round and round it goes. 


The fact that every single one of these people, save young Kylie, who as of this writing hasn’t publicly responded, is 25+, is mind-boggling. In fact, Kanye, Khloe and Amber are all over thirty. Kanye and Amber both are parents to toddlers.


I can’t help wondering, “What are they thinking?” And “What are they going to tell their kids in a few years when they’re googling this crap?” And “don’t they know that sitting down with a DJ who takes his moniker from the emperor Charlamagne, and who apprenticed with Wendy Williams, will only lead to trouble?” And “why do they keep going on Twitter, putting their business out there like that?” WHY?


Twitter is 21st century, but cutting the fool is timeless. In Proverbs 26, Solomon writes:


Do not answer a fool according to his folly, or you yourself will be just like him. … Like one who grabs a stray dog by the ears is someone who rushes into a quarrel not their own. … Without wood a fire goes out; without a gossip a quarrel dies down. As charcoal to embers and as wood to fire, so is a quarrelsome person for kindling strife. The words of a gossip are like choice morsels; they go down to the inmost parts.



Reflection for the day: Think before you speak. Think even longer before you tweet (they’re never really deleted).

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