39 results for “joscelyne

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Lent 2023, Day 11: Ascent. Requiescat in Pace.

"It was surreal, writing an obituary, for my mom, who died of cancer, in a room full of patients, fighting cancer."


Not goodbye.

It's not goodbye. It's just like she always use to say to us kids before we'd leave for school: "See you later, alligator. After while, crocodile." And give Joscelyne so many kisses for me.


The Decade of Wistful Thinking.

"K, upon hearing that she had visited with us all in those final weeks, supposed her spirit was leading her to say goodbye, to give some closure. I held in my heart that suggestion, even as I knew I'd only get closure at my own death. My very act of living is a testimony of her death."


My Soldier Boy

Dreams meet reality. Or, his life, his plans. But it's all love.


The opposite of her.

Me, on my 3rd birthday, and Jos, 6 months, in 1985.  “A sister is both your mirror – and your opposite.” – Elizabeth Fishel It’s the sixth year since she left, quietly, in her sleep. Joscelyne- loud, and laughing, and singing, in lip gloss and heels and body mist- closed her eyes, and then… silence.…

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Some Sunday Stuff: August 6th.

Miss you, Jos.   Happy Sunday, Everyone. Today would’ve been my sister Joscelyne’s 33rd birthday. Well, it still is to me. As I do everyday, I miss her. So Happy Birthday to my Baby, I will love you always.   Last week, I didn’t post a “Some… Stuff”, so time to play a bit of…

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Some Sunday Stuff: June 25th

From left to right: Greg, Nate, Joe, Justin, Jenny and the judge.   It’s been a looooong time since I did a “Some… Stuff” post, but here goes. On Friday, my brother Joe and his wife, Jenny, officially adopted our nephew Justin (our sister Joscelyne‘s son… she passed away in 2012). It was a long,…

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Forever 28. Three years old.

    Friday marked the third anniversary of my sister Joscelyne’s death.   Around 8AM, I pulled the black and white photo of her, ensconced in a shiny, mirrored frame, off the bookshelf, and placed it in the center of the piano. I set out a couple of candles, and searched through a closet for…

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Larry’s Daughter.

    About twenty minutes after leaving the graveyard where we laid my father to rest, I stood in line at the nearby Starbucks. It’s “my” Starbucks, the one I spent hours studying in during college, where I took part in Bible studies, discussed matters of importance and frivolity with Joscelyne, and of late, just…

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Lent- Day 5: My tears have been my food.

      “My dad is dying.”     Those words flashed through my mind and then hung, like weights, in my thoughts, in my heart, all day today.   My brother Joe called this morning and told me about his visit to see him yesterday. He’s back in the nursing home, having been discharged from…

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