Lent 2021, Day 20: In the midst of things.
It’s been a really, really, really, long year.
March 11, 2021 -
Lent 2020, Day 39: It is finished.
With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.
April 10, 2020 -
Lent 2020, Day 38: The dark night of Jesus’ Soul.
“We all try to accept with some sort of submission our afflictions when they actually arrive. But the prayer in Gethsemane shows that the preceding anxiety is equally God’s will and equally part of our human destiny. The perfect Man experienced it. And the servant is not greater than the master. We are Christians, not Stoics.”
April 9, 2020 -
Lent 2020, Day 11: Christ & Coronavirus.
In the midst of life, and medical tests, and Taco Bell parking lots, and Route 22, and Coronavirus, there is Jesus, and “Him crucified.”
March 9, 2020 -
Lent 2020, Day 9: Sorry! Fresh out of that Jesus of Nazareth Holy Land Healing Masque™.
But this week, upon hearing John 9, I thought: “What happens if we can’t get any of that special Jesus of Nazareth Holy Land Healing Masque™? Can I, Handicapped Alisha, neé Big Nose, still display the works of God?”
March 6, 2020 -
Throwback Thursday: On Plato’s Cave & the Ultimate Light
Note: This post first appeared on my old blog, Far Above Rubies, on July 30, 2012. ~Li A long, long time ago, back when Clinton was still president, Diddy was still…
August 10, 2017
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