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  • Lent 2024, Day 12: The Beauty of Myth.

    “I am old, Gandalf. I don’t look it, but I am beginning to feel it.”

  • Lent 2023, Day 31: Sonnets on Heaven.

    Grief fumes,
    religious bees.

  • Lent 2023, Day 27: That the works of God may be displayed.

    “It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him.”

    JOHN 9:3

  • Lent 2020, Day 38: The dark night of Jesus’ Soul.

    “We all try to accept with some sort of submission our afflictions when they actually arrive. But the prayer in Gethsemane shows that the preceding anxiety is equally God’s will and equally part of our human destiny. The perfect Man experienced it. And the servant is not greater than the master. We are Christians, not Stoics.”

  • LewisCS98

    Lent- Day 39: Good Friday.

    C.S. Lewis (Image Source)   An excerpt from today’s reading of my Lenten devotional book, “Preparing for Easter” by C.S. Lewis, titled “What Are We to Make of Jesus Christ?”:    Then…

  • earthsun1

    Lent- Day 2: More Glorious.

    (Google CC Image: link)   I was feeling pretty low on the general state of humanity yesterday, and rightfully so. Today’s Scripture reading of Romans 8:22 shows just how deep our stinkiness…

  • nat1

    Lent- Day 8: Wordless, yet their voices are heard the world over.

    Photo taken by K.   Psalm 19 is an utter masterpiece. C.S. Lewis said “I take this to be the greatest poem in the Psalter and one of the greatest lyrics in…

  • nat1

    Lent- Day 8: Wordless, yet their voices are heard the world over.

    Photo taken by K.   Psalm 19 is an utter masterpiece. C.S. Lewis said “I take this to be the greatest poem in the Psalter and one of the greatest lyrics in…

  • Annex - Shearer Norma NRFPT 09

    Some Saturday Stuff: December 13th.

      Norma Shearer (Source)     Hello, All. I feel like the last couple of weeks have been a blur. My dad is still in the hospital with pneumonia, but it looks…