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  • 220px-Marianne Stokes St Elizabeth of Hungary Spinning for the Poor

    Some Sunday Stuff: November 23rd.

    Happy Sunday, All. I’ve been to church and Starbucks, the forecast for today and the next couple days is above freezing, so I’m feeling pretty optimistic.   In pondering what I’d post…

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    Water, ice and crumbling pearls.

      (Screenshot, “Boss”)    “I wonder what it’s like to take the shape of the space you’re in?” -Tom Kane, “Boss”     That scene, pictured above, from the defunct Starz drama,…

  • David-Hasselhoff-002

    Some Sunday Stuff: November 9th.

    Hello! Another week just flew by for me. I’m doing okay- I did come down with a little infection, but I’m almost through with the antibiotics and am feeling better. At the…

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    Some Saturday Stuff: September 27th.

    Me, yesterday, enjoying the unseasonably warm weather while deep in thought… and snapping a selfie.   Long time, no write. I hope all has been well with you, Dear Readers. I’ve been…