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    Lent 2019: Are you there God? It’s me, Alisha.

    Some of the contents of the inside and from the outside of the recently departed fridge.   I’ve had a few days lately that have made me wonder what is up with…

  • liliandgoo

    The opposite of her.

    Me, on my 3rd birthday, and Jos, 6 months, in 1985.    “A sister is both your mirror – and your opposite.” – Elizabeth Fishel   It’s the sixth year since she…

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    The Problem is… you think you have time.

    Clockwise from top right: Jean-Michel Basquiat (image cr.); Dr. Martin Luther King with wife, Coretta, and daughter, Bernice (image cr.); Amy Winehouse (image cr.); and Marilyn Monroe (image cr.).   It’s Holy…

  • Throwback Thursday: Plan B (The non-B.C. one).

    Note: This post first appeared at my old blog, Far Above Rubies, on May 8, 2012. ~Li Why???? As I mentioned, somewhat in passing a couple of weeks ago, I resigned from…

  • Throwback Thursday: Great(ly different) Expectations.

    Note: This post was first published on my old blog, Far Above Rubies, on December 31, 2012. ~Li  Princeton University. I did not attend. I did, however, drive by a number of…

  • Throwback Thursday: Romancing the ordinary.

    Note: This post was first published on October 2, 2012, on my old blog, Far Above Rubies. Enjoy! ~Li On Thursday, my friend Kawania stopped by to pick up a flash drive.…

  • savinme

    Lent- Day 27: For rich or poor.

    (Image source: YouTube)   My home infusion nurse Charlie was over on Wednesday, administering IVIG. While the Gamunex dripped into my vein through my accessed PowerPort, he spoke about visiting a very…

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    Lent- Day 24: Everything?

    Spoke with the BFF about an hour ago and she asked me if anything was new. “Um… with me? Nope. Just the same ol’, same ol’. Except this blogging everyday again stuff……

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    Lent- Day 22:Do you really want to live forever? Forever, and ever…

    (Image Source: KJ Design)     I had a convo with a friend earlier this week about life and death. At some point, I asked, “Why on Earth would anyone want to…


    Lent- Day 20: Hope deferred.

    (Image Source)   “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.” -Proverbs 13:12   I’ve been reading a spate of articles for over a year…