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    Lent- Day 22:Do you really want to live forever? Forever, and ever…

    (Image Source: KJ Design)     I had a convo with a friend earlier this week about life and death. At some point, I asked, “Why on Earth would anyone want to…


    Lent- Day 20: Hope deferred.

    (Image Source)   “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.” -Proverbs 13:12   I’ve been reading a spate of articles for over a year…

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    Forever 28. Three years old.

        Friday marked the third anniversary of my sister Joscelyne’s death.   Around 8AM, I pulled the black and white photo of her, ensconced in a shiny, mirrored frame, off the…

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    The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night.

      Z and one of the butterflies.   Before seven this morning, I sat down on my couch, flipped open my laptop and read.    I heard the tiny fluttering wings of…

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    Congratulations, Aja & Paul!

        Congratulations to my wonderful friends Aja and Paul Thorburn on the birth of baby number three, Isaac, who was born yesterday morning and weighed in at eight pounds, four ounces.…

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    Help Momma K Take a Vacay!

      From the GoFundMe page:     My stepmother, Kathy Parchia Flemming, was by my father’s side as he took his last breath on March 21st. It had been ten months and…

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    Larry’s Daughter.

        About twenty minutes after leaving the graveyard where we laid my father to rest, I stood in line at the nearby Starbucks. It’s “my” Starbucks, the one I spent hours…

  • Paolo de Matteis - The Annunciation

    Lent- Day 31: Let it be to me.

    “Paolo de Matteis – The Annunciation” by Paolo de Matteis (Wiki Commons)       Today is the Feast of the Annunciation. For those unfamiliar, from Wikipedia:     The Feast of…

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    Lent- Day 30: For whom the bell tolls.

      (Wiki Commons)   So I am totally being lazy in the Soren Kierkegaard class I’m taking. Assigned to read Plato’s “Euthyphro”, I haven’t been able to read more than a few…

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    Lent- Day 29: Before one of them came to be.

      (Source)       Momma Kathy is busy, with the help of Monica, arranging Daddy’s funeral.   I don’t know how she’s doing it. I haven’t been sleeping well for over…