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    Lent- Day 24: Euphoria in aporia.

    A drawing of Soren Kierkegaard I did yesterday.     I haven’t been sleeping well the last few nights. My thoughts, during the day and night, are on my daddy, who’s been…

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    Lent- Day 23: The Jinx is brought to light.

    (IMDB)     Have you heard about Robert Durst? There’s a lot- and that’s an understatement- to tell about the stranger-than-fiction-yet-very-real man at the center of multiple murders. From The New York…

  • cacr

    Lent- Day 10: Bookends.

    Our poor little Civic. 🙁       I started the week feeling frightened by my father’s declining health. I’m ending it feeling shaken by a car accident.   This afternoon, K…

  • cacr

    Lent- Day 10: Bookends.

    Our poor little Civic. 🙁       I started the week feeling frightened by my father’s declining health. I’m ending it feeling shaken by a car accident.   This afternoon, K…

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    Lent- Day 5: My tears have been my food.

          “My dad is dying.”     Those words flashed through my mind and then hung, like weights, in my thoughts, in my heart, all day today.   My brother Joe…

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    Lent- Day 5: My tears have been my food.

          “My dad is dying.”     Those words flashed through my mind and then hung, like weights, in my thoughts, in my heart, all day today.   My brother Joe…

  • simptw

    Way down in the hole.

      My interview with Tray Chaney who played Poot on “The Wire” was so much fun, I wanted to keep it going. See, I’ve caught some flack from a couple friends over…

  • Way down in the hole.

      My interview with Tray Chaney who played Poot on “The Wire” was so much fun, I wanted to keep it going. See, I’ve caught some flack from a couple friends over…

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    Some Saturday Stuff: January 24th.

      Happy Weekend.   We woke up to snow this morning here in Jersey, and we may get some more early next week. Or not, since some meteorologists said we would this…

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    Some Sunday Stuff: December 21st.

    The original Hollywood Bad Girl, Mae West. (IMDB)     Hello All! Another week flew by, and I feel like I’ve barely done much. I’ve got most of my Christmas shopping done,…