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  • Way down in the hole.

      My interview with Tray Chaney who played Poot on “The Wire” was so much fun, I wanted to keep it going. See, I’ve caught some flack from a couple friends over…

  • simptw

    Way down in the hole.

      My interview with Tray Chaney who played Poot on “The Wire” was so much fun, I wanted to keep it going. See, I’ve caught some flack from a couple friends over…

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    Some Saturday Stuff: January 24th.

      Happy Weekend.   We woke up to snow this morning here in Jersey, and we may get some more early next week. Or not, since some meteorologists said we would this…

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    Some Sunday Stuff: December 21st.

    The original Hollywood Bad Girl, Mae West. (IMDB)     Hello All! Another week flew by, and I feel like I’ve barely done much. I’ve got most of my Christmas shopping done,…

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    Water, ice and crumbling pearls.

      (Screenshot, “Boss”)    “I wonder what it’s like to take the shape of the space you’re in?” -Tom Kane, “Boss”     That scene, pictured above, from the defunct Starz drama,…


    Some Saturday Stuff: November 15th.

    (Source: @sarahcpr, Twitter)     While the Internet went cray (but, alas, not broken) over Kim Kardashian’s oiled-up cakes on the cover of Paper magazine this week, I was busy binging on…

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    On Robin Williams and depression.

    Like millions, I was shocked on Monday when I heard the news that beloved comic actor Robin Williams had taken his life. I wound up in tears over my iPad, my nephew…

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    Transfiguring life.

    (Source)   Yesterday was the Feast of The Transfiguration of Jesus, a day observed by millions of Christians worldwide. The story can be found in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke.…

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    Some Saturday Stuff: July 26th.

    Zoe with her new birthday gifts from my nurse, Stella- a puppy purse, a Cabbage Patch, and a tiny stroller.       Happy Saturday, All, and a very Happy Birthday to…

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    The fault in my stars.

    I’ve never been into astrology.   Not just because I was raised that in fell into the category of the “occult” and was not to be dabbled in, but because it made…