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  • Kanye-West-4

    Lent- Day 3: A chasing after the wind.

      (Marie Claire)     Last week, as Kanye West’s post-Grammy rant went viral, my brother Joe sent me a simple text:     We can only wish that Kanye would stop…

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    Creatives Space: Tray Chaney

        It is in no way hyperbole to call me a superfan of “The Wire”. I’ve watched all sixty episodes twice. I’ve sat and had long discussions with friends and associates…

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    Some Saturday Stuff: January 24th.

      Happy Weekend.   We woke up to snow this morning here in Jersey, and we may get some more early next week. Or not, since some meteorologists said we would this…

  • Annex - Shearer Norma NRFPT 09

    Some Saturday Stuff: December 13th.

      Norma Shearer (Source)     Hello, All. I feel like the last couple of weeks have been a blur. My dad is still in the hospital with pneumonia, but it looks…

  • Gibson Girl by Charles Dana Gibson

    Some Sunday Stuff: November 30th.

    Happy Sunday. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving. Ours was quiet, and actually involved not a single traditional Thanksgiving dish. No turkey, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, pumpkin or sweet potato pie.…

  • David-Hasselhoff-002

    Some Sunday Stuff: November 9th.

    Hello! Another week just flew by for me. I’m doing okay- I did come down with a little infection, but I’m almost through with the antibiotics and am feeling better. At the…

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    Some Saturday Stuff: August 9th.

    Zoe and I enjoying the beautiful weather on Thursday.   Happy Saturday! I’ve had a pretty great week with my nephew Justin here. I’m very sore now, the result of three days…

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    Transfiguring life.

    (Source)   Yesterday was the Feast of The Transfiguration of Jesus, a day observed by millions of Christians worldwide. The story can be found in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke.…

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    Some Saturday Stuff: July 26th.

    Zoe with her new birthday gifts from my nurse, Stella- a puppy purse, a Cabbage Patch, and a tiny stroller.       Happy Saturday, All, and a very Happy Birthday to…

  • meditation-6

    The dark night of the souls.

      (Source)   I just read a fascinating (and somewhat frightening)article at The Atlantic about the dark side of meditation.    Yes, the dark side.   Growing up going to conservative Christian churches and…