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    Some Sunday Stuff: January 4th.

    Happy New Year, Dear Readers. I hope your holidays were full of good food, laughter and love.   After tweeting a link to my last post with a mention of “Boardwalk Empire”…

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    Some Saturday Stuff: December 13th.

      Norma Shearer (Source)     Hello, All. I feel like the last couple of weeks have been a blur. My dad is still in the hospital with pneumonia, but it looks…

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    Water, ice and crumbling pearls.

      (Screenshot, “Boss”)    “I wonder what it’s like to take the shape of the space you’re in?” -Tom Kane, “Boss”     That scene, pictured above, from the defunct Starz drama,…

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    The fault in my stars.

      I’ve never been into astrology.   Not just because I was raised that in fell into the category of the “occult” and was not to be dabbled in, but because it…

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    The dark night of the souls.

      (Source)   I just read a fascinating (and somewhat frightening)article at The Atlantic about the dark side of meditation.    Yes, the dark side.   Growing up going to conservative Christian churches and…

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        Although I have four cousins who are part German, I’m backing Pope Francis, uh er, Argentina.

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    Sex and shame.

    (Source)     I read a good post at Today’s Christian Woman that I wanted to share, because quite frankly, I can relate. I’ve had a few conversations with my married Christian…