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    Why do people join cults?

      This TED-Ed video ties in nicely with my The Preachers series, and even mentions the Rev. Jim Jones. Check it out.    

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    The Preachers: Father Divine, god to millions.

    (Image Source: NewsWorks)   I first heard the name “Father Divine” as a child from my mom, musing over her grandmother’s occasional penchant for following (via correspondence, radio or TV) some rather…

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    Lent- Day 31: Still missing?

    (Image via Buzzfeed; Evan Hurd Photography / Getty Images)   Remember how I talked about the Missing Richard Simmons podcast last month? Well, it wrapped, and while it did make me think, it won’t…

  • Not even Marilyn Monroe.

    A young Norma Jean Baker in the early 1940s. Many a Penny Pentecostal would still be rocking this same suit style well into the Carter Administration. (Source) My latest Audible book streaming…

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    Some Sunday Stuff: November 23rd.

    Happy Sunday, All. I’ve been to church and Starbucks, the forecast for today and the next couple days is above freezing, so I’m feeling pretty optimistic.   In pondering what I’d post…

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    Transfiguring life.

    (Source)   Yesterday was the Feast of The Transfiguration of Jesus, a day observed by millions of Christians worldwide. The story can be found in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke.…

  • Some Saturday Stuff: August 2nd.

    Happy Saturday. I can’t believe we’re into August already. Time really does fly, and pretty independent of how much fun a person is having.   I wanted to start this post off…

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    Convert, pay or die.

    Iraqi Christian women at church in June. (Source)     Over the last few days, things have grown dire for Christians in Mosul, a city in northern Iraq. From a July 18th…

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    Some Sunday Stuff: July 20th.

        Happy Sunday, All. Tomorrow is Zoe’s third (!) birthday, but we started celebrating early. K will be at work all day tomorrow, so after a trip to the Carteret Waterfront…

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    The dark night of the souls.

      (Source)   I just read a fascinating (and somewhat frightening)article at The Atlantic about the dark side of meditation.    Yes, the dark side.   Growing up going to conservative Christian churches and…