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I figured I'd write this to answer a few questions that might be floating around in your head.
What is wrong with you?
Haha, I get this question a lot. Mainly, because I'm kind of weird. But also, because I have a variant of Chronic Inflammatory Demyleniating Polyneuropathy (CIDP). You can read more about that here.
I started feeling "off" about seven years ago, but it was such a minor thing then, it didn't interfere with my everyday life. Plus, my doctor told me I was fine and I was just probably stressed. Fast forward to 2009, and about six months after my wedding, things began to fall apart. I was constantly tired, and I had intermittent numbness and what felt like electric shocks in my legs. My sleep was disruptive, my stomach was constantly doing flips and I had year round allergies. My balance and coordination were taking major hits. After seeing about 12 doctors (!), I was told I had a sensory neuropathy. It wasn't until late December 2011/January 2012 that my newest (and best) neurologist diagnosed me with CIDP.
What's your daily life like?
Crazy, but not because of the illness. No, the insanity comes from being a Stay at Home Mom to 14 month old Zoe. She loves Cheerios, bananas, music, screaming, other babies, her daddy, pulling my hair, Elmo and clothes. I love her.