I’ve had an Instagram account for close to a year now, but I don’t have any followers and follow no one. In fact, only I can see my pics since my profile…
December 30, 2012 -
Deep roots.
My mommy, back in the day. The results of my mother’s DNA test came via a short email with a link. I spent a few minutes trying to recall my password, and…
December 30, 2012 -
Waiting for His coming. Or Advent.
One of these years, I’ll finally get a routine down for Advent. Really. Last year I was in the hospital for a third of December, and this year, I’ve been dealing with…
December 30, 2012 -
Marty over the Mayans.
December 30, 2012 -
No, our one year old daughter does not have sexy eyes.
Last week, K took Zoe to his office holiday party. She held court like a nearly three foot tall queen, posing for pictures, calling everyone and everything “momma”, and eating until her…
December 30, 2012 -
Why the world didn’t end.
(Source) Because there’s no Zombie apocalypse, duh! For another reason, check out this video from NASA:
December 30, 2012 -
A caffeinated toast to the world not ending.
My beautiful friend April updated her Facebook status this morning and mentioned she’d done some meditating at 5AM and enjoyed a cup of joe. I remember years ago hanging out at Van…
December 30, 2012 -
Twilight & butterflies.
Joscelyne and Zoe enjoying the sunshine at the park in October. I awoke this morning amongst thoughts of Joscelyne. I was barely awake, in that twilight stage between wake and sleep.…
December 30, 2012 -
A closer look at the wounds of the Wet Bandits.
I’ve watched “Home Alone” a quadrillion times since I was a kid, almost always around Christmas. The latest was last weekend. Watching it as a 30 year old is far different than…
December 30, 2012 -
Are we in the matrix?
(Source) Without having to take any pills, folks, some scientists are claiming they may be able to prove we are in a computer simulation. From the Huffington Post: Physicists say they may…
December 30, 2012
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