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  • li

    Walking Through The Valley of the Shadow

    Fear will blind you from the light. Faith will reveal it. “When the Lord knows that good health is necessary for our soul’s welfare, He sends it to us; and when we…

  • greatestlove

    A Requiem Before The Sepia Stain

      “She was a drug abuser, a talent wasted… took her own life, pissed on her fortune and pissed away her beauty. I know. God, Whitney knew. She said it 10 years…

  • glass-types

    Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda

       (source) I read through this article at The Daily Mail by Claudia Connell, and I sighed. Very hard. There is much, much sadness, and too much regret. I admire her honesty,…

  • lizoe

    When the bough breaks…

    I’ve received so many great messages of support, I will forever be grateful. Even the simple “I’m here for you” texts have buoyed my spirit. It’s a struggle. My mood shifts not…

  • brittany

    Requiescat in pace, Brittany Jeffers

    Ever meet someone once and immediately clicked with them? At Jos’ Memorial Service, a sweet young lady named Meaghan came up to me and said she had met Jos by chance in…

  • ralphieonslide

    You’ll shoot your eye out, Kid

    What’s your favorite Christmas movie? It might tell a bit more about you then just your taste in holiday films. Dr. James Emery White writes: A couple of years ago a film…

  • kathy piano

    “Jesus is my Boyfriend”

    My stepmother Kathy playing at my brother’s wedding in October. Great post at Musings of a Hardlining Moderate about schmoopy Contemporary Christian Music: I’m fond of the criticism that too many worship…

  • blackbart

    Do you remember the Black Bart Simpson

    Oddly enough, I do. Why? I’m not sure. For some reason, stuff from the early 90s stuck in my brain in a way Geometry never did. Anyway, from Uproxx: What’s the worst…

  • videogames

    Your brain on video games

     (Source) Just watched an awesome TED talk on the benefits  of playing video games. This post, I dedicate to my brother Joe.

  • sommers boydoll post

    Of snips, snails and/or sugar and spice

    Epic, Liz Lemon eyeroll, right here, for this ridiculousness straight out of Sweden. From The Atlantic: Is it discriminatory and degrading for toy catalogs to show girls playing with tea sets and…