Created: Monday, 04 February 2013 20:23 | Written by Alisha DeFreitas Comment count: 1

Her Story: Photo Teen


Editor's note: This interview was conducted by me in early 2012 for Jumping at the Sun and first appeared there.




Ashley Keeler is not your average junior high schooler. This free-spirited Pennsylvanian with a love for family, nature and animals began snapping pictures as a hobby and is now planning on making it her career- when she grows up. She gave JATS a snapshot in to her world. Want to see more? Visit her fan page on Facebook or her blog.


ADF: You're only 12 years old! When I was 12, I was still playing with Barbies and fostering a crush on LL Cool J. What brought you into the world of photography?


AK: What brought me into the world of photography Is that I am able to be myself when I'm photographing. It really lets all the words and emotions that Im holding inside of me go. Things I can not write are able to be read in my photographs. And I'm very happy with that. That I've found something that fits me and who I am. Thats why I was brought Into the creative world of wanting to become a photographer. 




ADF: You like abstract pictures. Does that include abstract art in general? Why abstract over say, traditional?

AK: Yes I do like Abstract art. And I like it very much over traditional. I like it more because it gives me a better understanding of the picture. I have found that a lot of Abstract art has a story behind it while traditional pictures are just simple. Like a person's self portrait or, School pictures. If I have the correct understanding of a traditional picture, not really sure on that, haha.

ADF: Which picture is your all-time favorite?

AK: My all time favorite picture so far would have to be my photo "Dreamer Of Color" … which can also be found on my Facebook page.


ADF: What is your favorite subject? Nature? Animals? People?

AK: My favorite subject would be Conceptual. But, I am not sure if that counts so my next one would be Nature. I love Nature because of the "Natural Lighting" you don't need to add any in and everything works out perfect.

ADF: What's your editing style?

AK: Well, all my editing is done in Paint Shop Pro x4. (Sometimes And, there is just so much in that program! My editing style is more towards colorful things though. I am often on the look out to find an amazing colorful picture done by another artist. Yet I have not found one.





ADF: Which artists inspire you?

AK: don't have any famous Artists that inspire me. I don’t really know of any famous Artists that's why. Most of my inspired Artists are Artists on Facebook. One Artist that truly inspires me is Brooke Shaden. She Is very amazing and Inspiring.

ADF: How do your parents feel about your work? How about your siblings and friends?


AK: My parents feel pretty good about my work, I believe. They care as much as possible I suppose. As to my siblings I feel they don't as much as I would like but for the most part they are somewhat supportive. There Is only a few siblings that seem to enjoy my work a lot. The others don't really bother to pay attention at least it feels that way.  My friends are the most supportive. They’re always giving me a future to look forward to in photography with there kind words and strong beliefs in what I like to do. They really follow me along with my journey.







ADF: How do you balance school with photography?

AK: Well I’m homeschooled. So I take a lot more breaks than I would in "Regular" school. Which helps me brainstorm ideas and so on. And a lot of the time something I have learned that day in school inspires me to photograph something, So that’s pretty cool. I balance it well though.  I do school then some photography then do more school and then when I’m done with school do photography for the rest of the night.


ADF: Do you have any non-camera related hobbies?

AK: To be honest I don't have many Non-Camera related hobbies. One would be swimming! But soon that will be over run with my hobby to. I plan to do underwater photography to in the summer. Other than that I do the usual hang out with friends and spend a lot of my time talking to friends. Not going to lie though photography still comes into play with even that.



ADF: Who is currently on repeat on your iPod (or other various non-Apple MP3 player)?

AK: At the moment I have been listening to a lot of "old" songs from ages ago. No one in specific though because I really don't know their names, haha. So I would have to say a lot of old songs with different people.


ADF: Where do you see yourself in 6 years? In 12?

AK: In 6 years I see myself in college to major in some sort of Art and Design. In 12 years I see myself becoming a full time photographer more of a conceptual artist. Owning my own business or at least on the way to owning my own business. Also by that time I would like to have traveled to Africa or on my way to traveling there to do some Animal photography.


ADF: Tell me something random about yourself.

AK: Something Random about myself? I'm starting a hat collection with faces on the hats. ;)

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