Created: Friday, 31 May 2013 07:11 | Written by Alisha DeFreitas Comment count: 1

A Permanent Love Affair

adultery 2




When news broke recently that Tina Campbell, of famed Gospel duo Mary Mary, was dealing with infidelity in her marriage, fans were in shock. Opening up to Ebony, Tina shared that her husband, Teddy, had cheated. The couple are now requesting prayers and fasting from supporters and fans.


Is this really shocking? To me, no. The eyebrow raising part (again, to me) is the asking others to fast for their marriage. That's a first.


Cheating, lying, sneaking around, affairs- this is all too common, especially in marriages amongst Christians. It's not just husbands who stray, and it's not always physical.


I received a message from my cousin Velvet yesterday, asking that I share her story. She's a married mother of four, serves in ministry and works. She's active in her community, neighborhood and extended family. And she found herself drifting in to an affair.



A Permanent Love Affair


In the past when I rose from bed, I'd think of you
Nothing or no one clouded my head, instead I couldn't wait
to rise out of my bed..
to talk to you

My mind was renewed, my spirit restored,when we met at that special time

It was something about the way you made me feel
that kept me coming time after time.

Then all of a sudden
I let reality set in
money problems, too many children
wrong man?

I started to see the consequences of my choices
and how they weren't part of Your plan.

I abandoned our love
and went astray
pouring my energy into fixing my life

I never knew by choosing to "leave" You
I would be enticed

It started so innocent
a hello, an embrace
and soon developed into more
I noticed I smiled when I saw your face,
and our time was what I now adored

He was strikingly intriguing
and he felt I was too
even though we never spoke a word
The thought of a young wife,
mother and minister,
wrecking her marriage was absurd
You (God) watched as I got ensnared, and for years it grieved your heart

My marriage was already broken
many didn't know
my intense suffering from the start.

We smiled for the cameras
Laughed with the kids
put on a very good show

While behind closed doors it was turmoil
And I wanted him to go

I stopped meeting my first love(Jesus)
Our meetings were far and between

I thought about my new friend more and more
Until it was no longer a dream

It turned into a nightmare
for someone who loved her family, like me

His touch and scent ignited something in me
That was reserved
heaven sent

We never spoke a word
too afraid to cross that line
but I knew it was going too far
He was my friend
and if your reading this
you were right
you know who you are

I'm not condoning any sinful act
But husbands be careful how you treat your wives

Saved and sanctified doesn't mean you get a green card to make her feel despised

It's a secret epidemic
Emotional affairs, they can go on for years undetected, unknown

Ladies, watch out
for those close male friends
guard your heart
Protect your home

I'm now on my way to restoring my first love
Im so fortunate that I know He's still there

As for my husband
He's no dummy
He saw the signs
He told me they were pretty clear

I met God this morning
We talked for awhile
my prayer was filled with tears

I never expected
our love affair would be disrupted
by someone that had the same family structure as I did

A permanent love affair
Is what I had with The Lord
And to that
I will return

It took a number of years
and deep soul searching
to realize what was actually going on.

But, I'm done. Moving on.


Thank you, Velvet for bravely opening up, and I hope someone will be helped.

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