East Of Eden
"A curious mix of the relevant and reverential"
Congratulations to my wonderful friends Aja and Paul Thorburn on the birth of baby number three, Isaac, who was born yesterday morning and weighed in at eight pounds, four ounces.
He is joining big brother Theo:
...Happy Saturday. I can't believe we're into August already. Time really does fly, and pretty independent of how much fun a person is having.
I wanted to start this post off with links that I shared on the blog's Facebook page throughout the week (if you haven't already done so, go ahead and "Like" it, if you're on Facebook; while I don't blog everyday, or even every week, I usually post links to interesting stories over there with some regularity).
I posted to a story by Eric Metaxas (author of the excellent "Bonhoeffer") at the Christian Post about young atheists who are former Christians. They shared what actually turned them off to their former faith. An excerpt: