East Of Eden
"A curious mix of the relevant and reverential"
Happy Easter! Sunday was very warm, bright and sunny. Our church's sanctuary was decorated with many lilies and tulips, and the smell of incense wafted through the building. The sun's rays poured through the stained glass windows depicting various scenes of Jesus Christ's earthly ministry. The organ accompaniment, the crisp taste of the consecrated host, followed by the sweetness of the wine- attending Easter services at an Episcopal church is a rhapsody for the senses. Here are a few pictures of our day. I hope you all had a Blessed Resurrection Sunday.
This week, Zoe painted an old glass pasta sauce bottle, put pen to note cards and listed names of family and friends, then dropped said cards into the bottle. Every day since, she has opened the lid and pulled out a card. With clasped hands, she says a little prayer for the Loved One.
While straightening up earlier, I came across the above picture made by Z. She explained it as, "the name of my new song I'm writing." She never ceases to amaze me.
The message- "Be you."- made me smile. A little command to remain. It made me think of I Corinthians 12:14-27:
14 For the body does not consist of one member but of many.
(Humble pie. Can I get you a slice? Image Source)
Zoe's Bible lesson for today was on Jesus' parable of The Pharisee and Tax Collector found in Luke 18:9-14. By the way, we're using "Countdown to Easter: Daily Lenten Devotions for Children" by Ruth Geisler. The Kindle version is just .99 cents, so you may want to just go ahead and download it today. Now on to the scripture:
9 To some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everyone else, Jesus told this parable: