News & Culture
Obliviously linked in.
Menstrual Man
TLC Biopic: Will you see it?
Acclaim/ abstain
Nothing compares to truth.
Shut it down.
"Brown", Black & White
I'm starting to miss those cicadas.
Please stop your proselytizing.
Throwback Thursday: Early 90s Fashion Edition
Please land your helicopters, parents.
Remembering 9-11.
How to twerk.
Miles of memes of Miley.
'Tis they who endured.
Billy Ray, go get your daughter.
The Church of Apple
Life in pre-set.
Why do we wear clothes?
The terror of ambiguity.
"You are not Trayvon Martin"
On the 4th.
It's a Barbie World.
The Real Mad Men
Unpatriotic, jerky fail.
Not so radical notions of Feminists.
On Paula Deen & the N-word.
America's Worst Charities
Their stories.
The Windowfarms Project
Retro Reports: From Crack Babies to Y2K
How MySpace lives on (in more than our memories).
An 11 Year Old & His 3D Printer
Gotta thank the Lord? Um, not so much.
Purity punditry.
Our government, at work.
Making me Blue.
Not "Today"
The Good Wife
Some more on gay marriage from Christian bloggers...
Speaking of Lecrae...
... and on the other end of the Hip Hop spectrum...
It's a good thing God forgives.
The Bell is ringing.
Ways you can fight modern-day slavery
This is OK?!?
The snack trap.
Transforming Blight into Beauty
Slouching towards WWIII
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Oh, my, god. Becky, look at her butt.
Take me to another place.
Breaking news: Beyonce is sexy.
Uganda: Levitical laws and moonshine
Welcome to the jungle.
When praying the gay away won't take.
Who needs a back-up hard drive?
Freedom + love= justice.
Unintended consequences.
Behind the bars.
Women in combat.
Yet, more creepy monstrosity...
Here be monsters, indeed.
"One" bad poem and one good essay.
Lupe's looping anti-war rap; Rapper kills "F&L2" and his Twitter
Post script.
Imitation of life.
She's sexy and he knows it.
"The Notebook" Director Says Incest is Okay
On that crappy Youtube trailer, the violence across the Middle East & more.
If we have a war on women, this is Armageddon.
Ripping up the brown paper bag.
Vitriol & Va-jay-jays
"Mail Mary"- The Daily Show Takes on "Mother Teresa Stamp" Opposition
Forgetting Haiti
Honey Boo! Boooo!
Greetings from (soon-to-be-stormy) New Jersey
Surviving Sandy
Hurricane Sandy & Election Day
My E-addiction
The Pleasure Principle
Relax, Relate, Release
School's In
The Greatest Hip Hop Song of all time is...
Marty over the Mayans.
Why the world didn't end.
Are we in the matrix?
All I want for Christmas is...
Interviewing kids in a tragedy... for what?
True it is that covetousness is rich, modesty starves.*
Be My Guest: Redefining Tolerance
To those who made us (briefly) look.
God made him do it, and other fails
Innocents Loss
You'll shoot your eye out, Kid
Do you remember the Black Bart Simpson
Of snips, snails and/or sugar and spice
Requiem for New Millennial Craptastic Trends
Religion & Politics
Sexy Gospel Body & Soul
It's that time of year again...
"And what I loved most, she had so much soul"
St. Therese
Too much gruel.
NALT of the world.
Shoot, darn, mudderflubber.
Kirk Cameron on The Problem of Evil
Health, Illness & Faith
Make Me A Muslim?
To My Muslim Readers...
And they made God in their image.
Everything she knows about racism, she learned at church.
The Topsy-turvy media coverage of Reza Aslan
Albert Mohler on Pope Francis' "Who Am I to Judge"
Well, this is something.
"Interview" Fail: Fox News & Reza Aslan
Street Fighter: Pentecostal Church Edition
There's only one royal baby...
Getting "High".
Evangelical adoption nightmares.
Call 2 Fail.
Going on Gomorrah?
Skywiring for Jesus
Hank Hill on Christian Rock
She's Gay, but Catholic. And celibate.
Master of your domain.
Kirk Franklin Runs Afoul of Gay Rights Activists
Pesky Piskie Problems
Follow the Piper (on Twitter)?
Worse. Hermeneutics. Ever.
So you want to start a church?
Stuff Christians Say
A little more...
Out of bound(arie)s.
Tortured for Christ.
Offended by Christ?
Ahh, real monsters.
True or false.
Christians & tattoos.
What type of Christian are you?
Joe played me. So I played movies.
A train wreck.
Boycott Starbucks? Nah.
On Jeremiah 29:11
It's not over...
Marco Rubio & that modern day poet, Jay-Z.
Rob Bell comes out for Gay Marriage.
Hiding evil.
Jesus is not coming soon
Another view of gay civil unions... from Christians.
Buried in bulletins.
Church (and temple and mosque) hopping.
The Calling of Delight
Are megachurches going the way of CDs?
DJesus Uncrossed
Galileo on God
In the Church of Scientology
Pope to resign at end of month
Saintly snark.
Entrap and escape
Kill shots.
Jesus? Please.
Speaking of incarceration...
Should he have used the Koran?
What makes art religious?
That dang problem of evil.
Not Christian, yet Christ-like.
A little more about the Syrophoenician woman
Where are the men?
I walk the line.
The Next Christians
Are Black Pastors advising their flocks not to vote?
Feast of the Little Flower
Esther: Heroine or Harlot?
Christian Music suckage.
Pulpit Free
Trashing Dash
THE Debate of 2012
Keeping women in "our place".
All about elections. Okay, not "all".
No, there's no way anyone can see racism here.
The decline of the Black Church.
If There Was No Resurrection, We'd Have No Faith
Happy Palm Sunday
Want to know why I don't support either party?
All Souls & Sandy
The Crisis of Blue
Her Story: I Went on a Missions Trip to India
Waiting for His coming. Or Advent.
"Jesus is my Boyfriend" songs, or another post on Christian music
Footprints, drag marks, it's all good
Aiming at Heaven and getting Earth thrown in
Splits & Schisms
I am the Daria of Christians.
Be My Guest: The Poverty of The Prosperity Gospel
Five Things I Hate About Us: An Open Letter
Some Saturday Stuff: November 9th.
Daddy-Daughter love.
Some Saturday Stuff: November 2nd.
I can't be your life lesson.
Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away.
On the fifth.
Kiss the sky.
Some Saturday Stuff- October 19th.
Highbow happy birthdays.
I'm okay!
Modern Art or Toddler Paintings?
Some Saturday Stuff: September 28th.
Keeping busy.
Some Saturday Stuff: September 14th.
My toilet mood and Orange is the new "Blue".
i left my heart in Virginia.
Some Saturday Stuff- August 31st.
The late, great Action Park.
Vacay in V-A.
I heart Lenny.
Some Saturday Stuff: August 24th.
This happened.
A weekend away.
Some Saturday Stuff: August 10th.
Some Saturday Stuff: August 3rd.
Creatives Space: Matt Appling
Some Saturday Stuff: July 27th.
Me and Bruce Wayne, Baby.
Clouds painted in the sky.
Happy Birthday, Zoe!
The De Freitas Family Art.
Some Saturday Stuff- July 20th.
Creatives Space: Ilaf S.
More Perfect.
Some Saturday Stuff- July 13th.
Ultra Real Art
Some Saturday Stuff- July 6th
Stars, stripes and saints.
Creatives Space: Maria G.
Watch the throne.
Lonely games lost against you.
Amen and pass the lentils.
I like the sunrise. Even behind these clouds.
Some Saturday Stuff- June 29th.
All the world is a stage. Or canvas.
Zoe was here.
Creatives Space: April Joy
Happy Anniversary, K.
Brick City Blues
Some Saturday Stuff- June 22nd.
Creatives Space: Jamila Tazewell
Some Saturday Stuff- June 15th.
"life isn't always a fairytale."
"Long Hair", Don't Care
Some Saturday Stuff- June 8th
This is my confession: I'm a Preacher's Kid, too.
11 AM, Tropicana, 6/6/08
Some Saturday Stuff- June 1st.
Memorial Day Weekend
Some Saturday Stuff- May 25th.
Pelo Malo.
Some Coltrane & Rain.
Disqus Disgust
Holla Holla!
Six months.
Some Saturday Stuff- May 18th.
I am officially a hater.
This little light of mine.
Some Saturday Stuff- May 11th.
What dreams may come.
Look at this photograph.
But they really exist!
Behind My Lens: MJ Mearns
She's got a bouquet.
Some Saturday Stuff- May 4th.
Snot and tears and heaving chest.
Where is the Love?
Praise Report: AJ is OK!
Welcome to the world, Dawson Tyler!
Some Saturday Stuff- April 27th.
True Life: Having a Newborn Changed My Hair Routine
A Servant's Heart
Prayer Request Update: Abigail Joy
Of surgeries and ads.
For the love of books.
Art does not need...
Prayer Request: Abigail Joy
"Ruthie Leming" & Lemon poppy seed muffins
Some Saturday Stuff- April 20th
Life with "Art"
Some Saturday stuff- April 13th.
And I...
Well, this is a first.
Sing about me.
Twenty Questions: Mad Men
Some Saturday stuff.
Music you should hear: Madeleine Peyroux
Death, no more
Easter Hope.
Sweet Communion
Overcoming the "Dark Knight"
Inorganic life.
History of Rap, as performed by Jimmy & Justin
I bind unto myself today.
Declaring God's Glory through Nature
That's right ladies: "saved through childbirth".
Harlem Shake: Peanuts edition.
Engraved on His palms...
Music you should hear: The Arrows
Healing art
Lenten Update #2
People (and episodes) stack so well.
Who do you say I am?
In ink.
How cool is Cory Booker?
11:11 Perfection
Legalism? Nah, it's just liturgy.
Lenten Update: #1
Pictures from Senegal
Poetic Motion
To my K...
Music you should hear: The xx
Mardi, puis Mercredi
The cure for Hipster!
Shouting in a Black church.
Lilies, Mary & the cross.
He's ruined me through and through.
Freezing floors bring gratitude.
Getting ready for Nemo & Carni-gras
Arts & Akoma Crafts.
Pain & Painting
The Enduring Wisdom of Wisdom
Her Story: Photo Teen
My birthday & imago dei.
I'm so BOLD
Before the ashes...
Fog & tea.
Like water for wisdom.
Music you should hear: Milo & Otis
All better!
So your man doesn't like your natural hair?
I'm seriously considering deactivating my Facebook.
i should've had the shot of rum, too.
I don't normally see talking bunnies and puppies, either.
Who's afraid of Zoe Lyne Hope?
Two months.
A chip off the block.
All the things left unsaid.
The historical scourge of pinball.
An addendum to the "pursuit".
The Pursuit of H̶a̶p̶p̶i̶n̶e̶s̶s̶ Meaning
Spilled Milk
I got a shout out!
On being a world explorer...
Zoe's First Tweet
If you came here from Mark Shea's blog...
Romancing the ordinary.
A totally awesome life lesson via "The Simpsons".
Romancing the extraordinary.
Welcome to East of Eden!
Friday Funny
When the thorn remains.
Why are people such jerks?
This Is No Small Wonder
My increasing irrelevancy.
Mimicking the mainstream. Music as background patina
Author Interview: Angelica Perez
We survived Sandy.
Clark Kent, Blogger
Requiescat in pace, Beautiful Baby
Aren't sonograms amazing?
Invader Z(oe)
Deep roots.
No, our one year old daughter does not have sexy eyes.
A caffeinated toast to the world not ending.
Twilight & butterflies.
A closer look at the wounds of the Wet Bandits.
Merry Christmas from Linus (and me).
This Christmas.
My nose is big, uh-uh, I'm not ashamed.
"First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes baby in the baby carriage."
Walking Through The Valley of the Shadow
A Requiem Before The Sepia Stain
When the bough breaks...
Requiescat in pace, Brittany Jeffers
Your brain on video games
I fight sins not tragedies.
To sing a requiem and such rest to her.
What's the opposite of suckage?
A lived-through Saturday.
Circles, Squares & Z
Let it Be.
The Secret Life of B****es
The Naked Truth: Celebs Are Revealing Little More Than Themselves
It's Not Just Us Sistas- Part II
I Went to College for THIS?